Men with Animals
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A lack of respect turns to Dogs and Donkeys 4.1 (38)

Being born with the so called, ‘Silver-spoon’, was an understatement about my life. My dad has olive skin, that tans quickly as soon as he is in the sun for a short time, mom was born with blue eyes and the Scandinavian blonde hair. Dad was a successful corporate lawyer, mom an emergency room physician, […] read

Men with Animals Women with Animals
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Never ever ever never screw your girlfriend 4.6 (25)

Sometime in the mid fifties, a group of women visited the Congo to do research around a strange creature known as the Okapi. They looked like a cross between a zebra and a giraffe, but they were neither. Their initial research was to find out why this animal seemed to be in heat all the […] read

Women with Animals
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The New Place Opens up Possibilities 4.3 (15)

Ever since I visited a friends home in grade school, I’ve always wanted a home in the country, away from people and just a few animals to take care of. The summers were spent at Jenny’s home when I could get permission. We’d help with the animals, do various chores, gathering in the evening for […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on A Sleazy X-Rated Movie Theater opened a new door for Me 4.8 (44)

A Sleazy X-Rated Movie Theater opened a new door for Me 4.8 (44)

(c) 2022 by Michelle M. A young man introduced me to the world of bondage, at a triple X movie theater. This was a sleazy place, not somewhere you would normally find the college crowd, but somehow they had obtained a copy of Marilyn Chambers classic, Behind the Green Door. A few girl friends of […] read