Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Richard and Conan find some action in The Keys 4.9 (29)

Richard and Conan find some action in The Keys 4.9 (29)

(c) 2019 by unknown Back to first Part A college girl with an unresolved lust meets the Tag Team A month after the delightful Bridget, found him sitting on the veranda of a guest house in Key West, Florida, staring out at the large chunk of rain forest that was their garden. It had suddenly […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Further adventures of the Human-Canine Tag-Team 4.6 (19)

Further adventures of the Human-Canine Tag-Team 4.6 (19)

(c) 2019 by unknown Back to first Part Richard and Conan, one Human and one Canine, both with a desire to make women their bitches Richard felt exhilarated, he was out on the open road, heading South, with the whole of America to aim at. Behind him, his giant Shepherd sat, enjoying the breeze from […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , , Leave a Comment on Attacked by a white man 4.8 (40)

Attacked by a white man 4.8 (40)

(c) 2010 by shefux I was sitting alone having breakfast in a local Country Caf?hat I frequent and a man stood up to leave with what I assumed to be his wife and nearly adult daughter. He was average in almost every way that I could have described, but his wife and daughter were knockouts. […] read